Thursday, August 9, 2012

Happy First Birthday!!!

I woke up this morning at 5:40...around the same time I went into the operating room and I took a video of Kenny at about 6:10...the exact time he came into the world. I'm sure as the day continues I will relive each moment throughout the day as I remember it. Nothing quite beats that feeling of welcoming a newborn into your life. Being able to feel him in your arms after waiting 9 months, and studying his features. And bringing him home and just holding him...and watching the family bond with him. It has truely been an amazing 2 years. I feel so humbled and grateful for being able to carry him and care for him...knowing that he has been completely dependent on me for life. I love you my sweet little boy. Take your time learning how to walk. Let me carry you and watch you crawl around for a little longer. No need to rush toddlerhood. I love you sweet sweet Kenny.

3 Days and Counting

Just want to make a list of some of the things about Kenny that I want to remember and that I hope he'll enjoy reading one day... Kenny loves the water, more than the other two did. He makes a bee line down the hall and into the bathroom if he hears the tub or washing machine going. He has yet to sleep through the night. Actually, that's not true...he slept through the night his first night and decided he didn't like it. He used to love hitting his belly while he nursed up until about the 5th or 6th month when he started getting squirmy and realized he could, instead, take on different positions. He was able to sit up on his own at 10 months although he still doesn't know how to get there on his own. He got his first tooth at 9 months and he still only has his 2 bottom teeth. I just realized he has some type of sensitivity to milk so I will be going back to formula for a while. He loves to dance, just like Sophia did. He rolled over onto his stomach at 6 months. He was watching t.v. with Sophia. Sophia and I both wondered if the other one flipped him. He loves to laugh...but doesn't smile too much. He likes to study things and think about what's going on. He pulled up on his own at 10 months. I was sitting on the big brown chair and he pulled up to see me. He immediately started cruising in order to fetch the remote control and the fasinating batteries. This is something that he loves just as much as water. He throws down the remote control so the batteries will fall out and try to put them back in...just like Ethan did...I swear, it could keep him entertained for hours. If only he didn't try to eat them at about the 10 minute mark. So much more I could write about and probably will soon. I love him so much. I am so thankful for him and the joy he has brought to us. I am so excited about discovering who he is in the year to come. Thank you sweet little Kenny for letting me be your mom. I love you.

6 Days and Counting

Why do an entire 365 days come and go with the blink of an eye? I'm on the final end of my year long countdown. I have tried to be completely in the moment every single day with Kenny. Not that I don't with Sophia and Ethan but they are only a baby for a short amount of time. I have been trying to document and remember as much as I can. My heart has been so filled with joy this past year. I have loved every single second of caring for my little man. Here are some pictures of each month of his life.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


We love going to Disney World. We loved going to Downtown Disney a few years ago when Ethan was a baby and Sophia wasn't old enough to know the difference between that and the Theme Parks. Allan and I loved going before we got married and spent time there for our honeymoon. My dream job while in college was to work as a Disney animator. Last year we got annual passes to all the parks. This year we got the Epcot after 4 annual passes. It never gets old. I love the atmosphere and the people and the rides. The kids love looking for the Mickey Mouse electical thing that indicates we are almost at the park. They love spotting the characters at the entrance. I remember when I was there age getting excited about listening to the Disney radio station when we were in range. I'm not sure if they do that anymore. Right now we usually do Spaceship Earth, Nemo, Mexico, and Norway. Sometimes we can convince Ethan to do Journey into Imagination but he's pretty frightened of it. We never have time to do Soarin' because we get there so late and the line is so long. But that's o.k., we're just glad that we could afford some type of annual pass. My favorite thing is going to Turtle Talk and watching Sophia ask questions. Last time we went she asked how far turtles could swim in a day. It was sweet. She was so excited. We ususally leave at around 9 just as the fireworks start. Everyone is tired and we rarely escape without many tears. The last time Kenny surprised us with the most tears as the fireworks started. I have NEVER heard him cry with such pain. Poor thing.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Happy 11 months!

My little man turned 11 months today! And how did he commemorate the event? Why he showed us that he could crawl! I think he has been able to do this for some time now and just decided to save it for the big day. I'm hoping he knows how to sleep through the night and is waiting for his 1st birthday to reveal it to me. Love him. I have just soaked up every single second with him. Every diaper, every milestone, every night awakening, every hug and kiss by his siblings. He pulled up for the first time about a month ago. He only cruised once...a very tiny bit. He mimicks a lot. Started with waving bye bye, then "Oh No!", then blowing kisses, peek a boo, and tilting the head. Yep. We go through these things about 500 times a public, at gradparents, at mealtimes. Never tires. His brother and sister started VBS today. This is the first time in 5 yrs I haven't helped out. Sad about that. Sophia was so excited (I feel like I print these words more than any other), Ethan was...o.k with it, until we got into the worship rally...where it was dark, and every single seat was filled with screaming children. Then he looked at me and his bottom lip shot out and tears fell from his eyes, and my heart sank. I sat with him in the back and followed him to his first rotation. A teacher picked him up and he was fine after a while. I talked to him after that and he said he wanted to stay. He ended up having a good time except they played boring games. Grandpa made it up to him by throwing him the ball. He hit it a few times (always lifting and stepping on his foot first) and ran the bases (he didn't use a tee). Love him. Love Sophia, who, btw, has gotten into the habit of sitting with us late at night after the boys have gone to sleep. We usually watch Bob Newhart but it's off the air for the summer. Last week we started watching Andy Griffith. She loves it and that makes me happy as I have such fond memories of watching it growing up, especially at Grandma's.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Love You, I Love You Not...

I have a Love/Hate relationship with Technology. I LOVE the many opportunities technology gives me to document my children's lives...Blogging, online scrapbooking, Facebook, 365 project,'s endless. I DON'T LOVE having to choose which venue to give my time and energy. I want it all. Then I become overwhelmed and give just a little attention to all. Oh well, let's focus on the positive, as I can hear myself telling Sophia if faced with a similar situation. Hooray for the options, Hooray that I'm blogging again, Hooray that I've done some documenting. I believe it will just get better from here. I love my family, nothing gets me more excited. Today it is rainning cats and dogs. What are we going to do today? Hopefully, enjoy one of modern technology's greatest gifts...Epcot. Pics to come soon. Hooray for cameras!