Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Day to Celebrate !!

Sophia poo pooed on the potty today!!!!
I hate to keep bringing it up but I have accepted the fact that having young children means being in constant awareness of their poo. So we have been trying desperately to persuade Sophia to poo poo on the potty. But she is deathly terrified of pooing on the potty. Peeing, not a problem. She has that down pat. So we offer all kinds of incentives when she needs to go. Lately, we have agreed to go to the Bounce Zone if she goes on the potty. She has seemed receptive to that but not in total agreement. So each time she has to go we raise our level of enthusiasm and add another carrot.
"If you poo poo on the potty we'll go to the Bounce Zone RIGHT NOW!"
"If you poo poo on the potty we'll go to the Bounce Zone RIGHT NOW and eat cake!"
"If you poo poo on the potty we'll go to the Bounce Zone RIGHT NOW and eat cake, and get new toys!" etc....
Well, today I crossed a line. I offered her things that I just couldn't deliver. I didn't think she would take the bait.
I went so far to say, "If you poo poo...Bounce Zone, (blah, blah, blah)... with Grandmother and Grandpa and Uncle Larry and GiGi and FarMor and Josie Dog!!!"
And Sophia came back with.. "And Baby Abby?, I LOOOOVE BABY ABBY!" Not wanting to loose the momentum I yelled, "YEAH! AND BABY ABBY!"
Sophia promptly sat on the potty. After about 5 minutes of silence I heard her exclaim, "I did it!"So now I was faced with 2 choices. I could either:
a.) Drive to St.Joseph's Hospital and convince Lisa to give up her newborn for a couple of hours of excitement at the germ infested Bounce Zone (did I mention she was just born today?)
b.) Hope that the treasures the Bounce Zone has to offer distract from the fact that certain guests will be absent from the festivities.
I went with "B". We enjoyed a "Poo Poo on the Potty Party" with food, games, balloons and cake minus the newborn. I think she was satisfied.
So we are celebrating the birth of another cousin and, to a lesser extent, a more congenial relationship between Sophia and her potty.