Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summer Fun

We had a fun filled day today. Papa left for Utah a few days ago and we are living it up (mostly to distract ourselves from his absence). I have been so exhausted nursing my and Ethan's cold and maintaining household responsibilities by myself that I let Sophia stay with Grandmother and attend church with her. I brought Ethan to church with me for the first time and just absorbed every moment we were together. He was with me while I taught the 3 yr. olds and the 2nd graders. I tried leaving him in the nursery but it was too traumatic for him to be in there without mama. The poor workers did their best to console him but told Anne (our volunteer coordinator) that he was acting as if they were killing him. I have to admit my heart skipped a beat with excitement as I looked out the window and saw Anne carrying him to me. I was surprised that the second graders weren't as excited to see him as the 3 yr. olds were (they oooed and awwwed and smothered and mothered him). I'm surprised when ANYONE doesn't get as excited over him as a 3 yr. old would. He just so cute. Anyway...
I immediately switched kids with Grandmother as Sophia had a Birthday date at the Bounce Zone. As much as I dreaded the event I ended up spending time with several of the Preschool mothers and really had a nice time. Sophia had so much fun with all her preschool buddies. I don't think she understands that there are some she'll never see again. It's heartbreaking for me because this was her first school year and her first group of friends. And the love she felt for each child just melted my heart. They were ALL her best friends. I need to do a post on her preschool experience. Anyway...
We spent time with Gigi at Grandmothers house. Ethan sang and danced, Sophia made Ethan laugh, and I plucked out Gigi's chin hair.
It rained when we got home as the afternoon was turning into evening. The air was cool and I craved the beach. But I knew I couldn't prepare in the short amount of sunlight we had left. So I put together a little inflatable pool/activity center. Sophia was beside herself with excitement. I had questioned whether or not to spend 40 dollars on it but the pride, warmth, love, and happiness I felt watching her overflow with joy was simply priceless. I love my baby girl and baby boy. Sometimes I feel like I get too caught up in disciplining and following routines and teaching that I neglect the need to be silly and spontaneous and fun. I had a fun day with my kids today. It's a day that I want to remember forever.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Long Awaited Milestone

Ethan just turned 19 months on the 24th of May. A day before Allan's birthday, May 17th, Ethan decided he was finally ready to walk. First he walked in circles from the kitchen to the living room as he chased Sophia. It brought me to tears. My little boy didn't look quite as much like a baby anymore. For the next few days he ventured into other areas. After about 5 more crawling on his knees. I forgot how strange it was to suddenly hear new footsteps. And it took me a while to finally get used to him just showing up next to me unexpectedly.  But I love it. We were ready for him to walk as he's getting so big. It's nice not to have to carry him to and from the car or in the stores. Ha, I wish. 
We were THOSE people who criticized the parents who put their kids on a leash. We have both very quickly agreed we want to purchase one for Ethan. He now hates the stroller and he hates holding my hand and he hates being carried.  And I hate having to wrestle with him in my arms and having to chase him around the store. The stroller is the lesser of the 3 evils right now. 
Anyway, I 'm sad my little dependent man is growing up.  At the same time, all in all, it has become much easier caring for him. My mom and I were talking about how easier it is now for she and dad to care for the kids on Monday while I'm at work. No swaddling, noise machine, nebulizer, gas medicine, bouncing on the bead, jumping through hoops to get him to stop crying or go to sleep. But of course, I loved those days.  I love these days to. I love watching his personality develop and I love watching the relationship between Sophia and him develop.  Every day brings new surprises and it's the most rewarding experience in the world.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

That Time of Year

By the end of January I was so excited that we had apparently gotten through the flu season unscathed. I pretty much gaged my revelation by the fact we went through the entire month of Dec. and January and no one ended up in the hospital. Well, I think my biggest mistake came when I had these thoughts and forgot to knock on wood. We were suddenly hit and hit with a vengeance!!!

First, I was hit with Strep throat. Then Ethan got hit with a double ear infection...poor guy. At the same time, Sophia was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. All of us were at the Dr.s within a weeks time. Sophia even had additional tests performed to rule out abnormalities. Well, 3 huge Dr. bills later we thought we served our time...NO MORE. I, believe it or not, was wrong!!! The little tiny microorganism that terrorized many families at our church decided to make it's stay in our home for a while. Every one of us started with a fever that lasted for at least 3 days, followed by diarrhea, body aches, congestion and coughs. We have never experienced anything like it nor do we ever want to again! The worst part was that Allan had a camping trip the first day of his illness...YUCK!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gee Gee

Grandma told us, when Sophia was first born, that she wanted to be called "Gee Gee" for either "Great Grandma" or "Grandma Gwen". It took me a while to accept it because she has always been the very southern "grandma" to me but I've come to love it. She insisted the spelling be Gee Gee...I fought for a long time for the spelling of G.G. Oh well, Grandma usually wins.

Grandma moved to Brandon from Kissimmee in 2002, 3 yrs before Sophia was born. She's been able to watch her and Ethan grow...and I'm so thankful for it! She's as sharp as a whip and has an amazing sense of humor! She is constantly critiquing the staff where she resides, yet they love her more than anyone. She's got a gift for making friends!

Anyway, we made one of our biweekly visits today. Grandma's been weak but always feels lifted by the company of Sophia and Ethan. Grandma thinks they are the most intelligent kids on the face of the earth and insists they get it from their papa.
Here's a shot of Sophia saying goodbye to Gee Gee. She always tilts her head in so SHE can kiss HER...this always tickles Grandma.