Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye to 2008

So this is the last day of the year 2008. What a wonderful year it was! It was on this date last year that Ethan returned from the hospital. And things continued to climb uphill since...
Allan and I attended 3 weddings, celebrated one birth and many birthdays, including GiGi's 93rd! Sophia celebrated her 3rd and Ethan celebrated his 1st! He still has yet to walk but that's o.k. It's recently been brought to my attention that his hair's getting a little long. Several people have referred to him as a girl but I pay no mind. I love his long curls!
And I have loved so much having a baby in the house again! Because I never officially documented his milestones I'm going to take this opportunity to do so now...
Smiled-in the hospital/Roll over-middle March/sleeping through the night/ last day in May/ first word-"hot"-11 months?/ sitting up-very late-10 months.
We definitely got a crash course in Insurance companies and pediatric billing. In turn, we mastered the art of forgiving!
Allan began his 7th year of teaching and I celebrated my first year at Fishhawk Fellowship. Sophia is in her 4th month of preschool and is LOVING it! We are going to enroll her in dance classes next month! She is addicted to tap!
We all stayed healthy except for Sophia's "nursemaids elbow" early in the year! We drove to Kentucky and visited many cousins, aunts, and uncles.
God has been good to us. I can't wait to see what 2009 has in store!

Friday, December 19, 2008

We recently "misplaced" our camcorder and it's killing me because it had most of the year on it...Ethan's first year. Scooting, sitting up, crawling. And, of course, it's breaking my heart. But what I have to remember is that MOST people in the world don't have their first year captured on video. And, again, I'm trying to keep focus on the images that I do have of him.
At the same time, it inspired me to blog again. This time I'm going to try and do it everyday. Just to document the little things I know I'll one day forget.
The good news, for me, is that Ethan is still crawling. And will be for a long time if I have any say in the matter. He's still my baby. I want him to stay that way as long as possible!
He turned one 2 months ago. He still won't sit up any other way but with his legs underneath him! You try pulling his legs out and he doesn't know what to do. He just sits there, helpless. Poor thing. It's funny. He says "Hot" to just about everything and blows kisses. He LOVES getting into things. Something Sophia never really did. He's quick!
So we're getting ready for Christmas! Sophia had 2 performances and has enjoyed Christmas festivies w/ her preschool. He also started the Elf on the Shelf tradition which we've been having fun with!
So that's all for now. I feel good that I've gotten back will come soon!