Friday, October 10, 2008


I would just like to introduce everybody to Sophia's new best friend, "Fremp". She's an ant that Sophia discovered this evening. Listening to Sophia you would think they've been friends for life. "Fremp NEVER hurts people, Fremp is a Mama and will NEVER crawl on you." I saw her leap over another child the other day to catch an ant. I guess she thought it was Fremp. She tried so hard to get the other children around her to share in her enthusiasm about the bug. They didn't care. I think she gets it from me as I used to house lizards and rolly pollys and who knows what else in little box homes. I sort of wish I was encouraged to follow that passion (Well, I guess the fact that my parents let me keep the bugs was a start). There will be no shortage of encouragement from us. Entomology is a very fascinating field. Now, if only we can convince Sophia to spare the bugs' lives.