Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Love You, I Love You Not...

I have a Love/Hate relationship with Technology. I LOVE the many opportunities technology gives me to document my children's lives...Blogging, online scrapbooking, Facebook, 365 project,'s endless. I DON'T LOVE having to choose which venue to give my time and energy. I want it all. Then I become overwhelmed and give just a little attention to all. Oh well, let's focus on the positive, as I can hear myself telling Sophia if faced with a similar situation. Hooray for the options, Hooray that I'm blogging again, Hooray that I've done some documenting. I believe it will just get better from here. I love my family, nothing gets me more excited. Today it is rainning cats and dogs. What are we going to do today? Hopefully, enjoy one of modern technology's greatest gifts...Epcot. Pics to come soon. Hooray for cameras!