Thursday, August 9, 2012

3 Days and Counting

Just want to make a list of some of the things about Kenny that I want to remember and that I hope he'll enjoy reading one day... Kenny loves the water, more than the other two did. He makes a bee line down the hall and into the bathroom if he hears the tub or washing machine going. He has yet to sleep through the night. Actually, that's not true...he slept through the night his first night and decided he didn't like it. He used to love hitting his belly while he nursed up until about the 5th or 6th month when he started getting squirmy and realized he could, instead, take on different positions. He was able to sit up on his own at 10 months although he still doesn't know how to get there on his own. He got his first tooth at 9 months and he still only has his 2 bottom teeth. I just realized he has some type of sensitivity to milk so I will be going back to formula for a while. He loves to dance, just like Sophia did. He rolled over onto his stomach at 6 months. He was watching t.v. with Sophia. Sophia and I both wondered if the other one flipped him. He loves to laugh...but doesn't smile too much. He likes to study things and think about what's going on. He pulled up on his own at 10 months. I was sitting on the big brown chair and he pulled up to see me. He immediately started cruising in order to fetch the remote control and the fasinating batteries. This is something that he loves just as much as water. He throws down the remote control so the batteries will fall out and try to put them back in...just like Ethan did...I swear, it could keep him entertained for hours. If only he didn't try to eat them at about the 10 minute mark. So much more I could write about and probably will soon. I love him so much. I am so thankful for him and the joy he has brought to us. I am so excited about discovering who he is in the year to come. Thank you sweet little Kenny for letting me be your mom. I love you.

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